The Round Table "Development of Yachting Tourism in St. Petersburg"

On October 6, we acted as the organizer of the round table discussion, dedicated to the development of yachting tourism. The event was held in the town of Kotka (Finland). The venue gathered leading experts in the field of sports and yachting tourism, town-building, and transport connections, ports and municipal authorities. Participants discussed options and advances of yachting tourism in St. Petersburg.

About the event

The round table was held on one of the most exciting venues of the maritime industry on the coast of the Gulf of Finland —Kotka's Maritime Centre "Vellamo", which impresses guests by its appearance and gives visitors the opportunity to learn maritime history, see interesting exhibits and exhibition objects .

Throughout the meeting, 50 participants found out about the infrastructural capabilities of St. Petersburg, popular yacht clubs, tourist attractions and destinations of the Northern capital of Russia. The guests had the chance to enjoy the Constantine Fort, Gogland, and considered many other issues related to the advancement of the tourist potential of the neighboring regions.

We provided the event organization on "a turnkey basis"

The high status of the event required the provision of services at the highest level, and it was achieved by our employees. We were responsible for the selection and reservation of the site, invitation of guests ant their gathering, as well as their transportation from St. Petersburg to Kotka and back, manufacturing of printed materials, and arrangement of coffee breaks.

The significance of the event and its high level of organization were covered in media publications.

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