The Forum was held from June 21 to 28, 2015, and was aimed at patriotic, spiritual and moral education of youth. Our duties included the following services: arrangement of accommodation and food for over 500 participants of the Forum.
The event attracted numerous young activists from all parts of the Leningrad region. For eight days they were participating in interactive workshops and seminars, trainings on team building and in sports games. In addition, on June 23, the meeting with 11 governors of the NorthWest Federal District (NWFD) and their deputies was held. Such a busy program required a lot of energy from participants, and it was extremely important to establish the logistics of food and comfortable accommodation for all guests of the Forum.
For your information:
The format of youth educational forums is viewed the Leningrad region as one of the innovative ways to interact with the youth.
The First Youth Educational Forum ”Ladoga 2015”" was held in 2009, and since then it has acquired the annual status. The main difference of this forum is — the acquisition of new knowledge in the field of development and project management due to full immersion of participants into the analysis and discussion and the work on their own projects.